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Introducing The Pfeifers

The Pfeifer family is one that knows the true meaning of the term, “fighting on!” The Pfeifers have been pressing forward and fighting on in their walk with Christ for over 70 years. In the 1930s, our grandfathers began singing together and traveling to campmeetings and tent revivals all across the state of Ohio. There was a unique anointing on these two men, and God richly blessed each time the two stood to sing with guitar and mandolin in hands, as well as their trusted songbook, which contained more than 100 songs written by the two. 

Years later the torch was passed on to Don Pfeifer, who traveled throughout the country, sharing the message of the Gospel, preaching at churches, crusades, campmeetings and wherever the opportunity was presented. In 1979, when his daughter, Candy, decided to leave college and form a musical group with several of her long-time friends, her father was supportive and encouraging, even allowing the group to accompany him on crusades. That group, known at the time as The Believers, eventually became the group that today is collectively known as The Pfeifers.

Over the years, the ministry of The Pfeifers has evolved and experienced change; however, God’s anointing and blessings still remain. The Pfeifers of today include Don Pfeifer’s oldest son, John, long-time friend, Mary Jane Carter, who has been with the group for the past 24 years, and Candy, an original member. The group travels in excess of 150 days each year, sharing the message of the Gospel in song in churches, concert halls, auditoriums and arenas.

We are thankful for our family heritage, and we are equally thankful for the blessings God continues to bestow upon us. Our sincere prayer is that our lives and the ministry we have been entrusted with will glorify Christ. Our desire is that we will always show care and compassion to others and continually reach out to the lost. The Christian life is not a spectator sport, and we are thankful God has allowed us to serve Him together. 

We invite you to serve Him with us...step into this site, look around and stay as long as you like. We hope you will be blessed and encouraged to keep “fighting on!”

Serving Him Together!
John, Candy, and Mary Jane
The Pfeifers

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